I’ve Been Accused

Being accused of sexual misconduct in any form can be a confusing and stressful experience. There are campus resources available to answer your questions and offer you support through the process. You’ll notice that if you are accused of sexual misconduct, you are referred to in the process as the “respondent.” Under the Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Nondiscrimination policy, both the respondent and complainant have the right to a fair and equitable investigation and adjudication process.

Rights of Respondents

Resources for Respondents

Steps to Take

If you have concerns about the investigation and adjudication process, you may speak with the Title IX Coordinator, who will respond to your questions. In addition, you may want to have an adviser accompany you to your meetings with the investigators and adjudicators. If you would like help identifying an adviser, The Equity Grievance Pool at Stephens has specially trained members of the faculty and staff to serve as process advisers for respondents. You may elect to involve legal counsel as an adviser, but they are not permitted to act in a legal capacity during interviews and other meetings that the College has with persons involved.

Respondents will be interviewed and will have the opportunity to fully describe their experience to the coordinator and investigators. If there is evidence to establish that you have been falsely accused, that will be considered as part of the investigation.

In order to clearly articulate your experience to the investigators, it is suggested that you:

  • Write down as many details as possible about the events that transpired, whether or not you consider them to be important;
  • Compile a list of possible witnesses who can lend credibility to your statement; and
  • Provide any evidence (text messages, pictures, videos, etc.).

At the conclusion of the investigation, both the Complainant and the Respondent will have an opportunity to review the Draft Investigation Report; meet with the Investigators; submit additional comments and information to the Investigators; identify any additional witnesses or evidence for the Investigators to pursue; and submit any further questions that they believe should be directed by the Investigators to the other party or to any witnesses.

If you have been accused it is very important that you DO NOT contact the Complainant. It is a violation of College policy to retaliate in any way against individuals because they have raised allegations of sex- or gender-based discrimination or harassment.

If immediate crisis, call 911 or Campus Security Emergency at (573) 876-7299.

For all other concerns, call the Title IX office at (573) 876-7230 or Ext. 4230.

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Office Of Title IX

(573) 876-7230 or Ext. 4230


Student Experience Office, Stamper Commons