Building Abbreviations
Here are the abbreviations for the campus buildings that you will find on your class schedule.
- AC: Arena Classroom (by Columbia Foyer)
- CHR: Charters Lecture Theatre
- CWS: Catharine Webb Studios
- DUD: Dudley Hall
- GDE Studio: Lower Level Library by PC & MAC Labs
- HCC: Helis Communications Center (1st floor, terrace level PSC)
- HIC: Hickman Hall
- HSH: Historic Senior Hall
- LLL-WIN: Lower-Level Library Windows Lab
- LLL-MAC: Lower-Level Library Mac Lab
- LRW Conf: Lela Raney Wood Mezzanine
- PHR: Stephens Macklanburg Playhouse Rehearsal Hall
- PHS: Stephens Macklanburg Playhouse Scene Shop
- PSC: Pillsbury Science Center (2nd Floor)
- SAMP: Sampson Hall
- STAMPER Studio: Stamper Commons, Mac lab
- WEB: Webb Child Study Center
- WLT: Walter Hall
- WAU: Windsor Auditorium