Shatenita Whitfield Horton ’06

About Shatenita Whitfield Horton ’06
For over 27 years, Shatenita Horton has been a leader in the financial services industry. In her conversations, her work, and her many volunteer gigs, Shatenita brings a passion for unlimited enthusiasm. She hails from Columbia, Missouri and has been in Roanoke for 2 years.
Shatenita currently serves as the Senior Vice President Retail Banking at Freedom First Credit Union. In her role at FFCU, Shatenita is a member of Senior Management and will direct the sales and service efforts through creation, coordination and management of company-wide retail banking programs.
Shatenita holds a Bachelor of Science from Columbia College and an MBA from Stephens College. Shatenita is a graduate of the Leadership Roanoke Valley Class of 2022 and has since been selected to the Roanoke Higher Education Authority Board of Trustees, Stephens College Board of Trustees and United Way of Roanoke Valley Board of Directors. Shatenita is eager to volunteer and live out her passion of helping be a part of the solution to issues faced in the community for which she lives, learns, works and plays.