Human Subjects Research/Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Stephens College Policy on Human Subjects Research

Stephens College (SC) and federal policies and regulations require that any research activities involving human subjects be conducted in such a manner as to:

  • Respect and protect the rights and welfare of the subjects involved,
  • Ensure that informed consent is obtained when this is appropriate/required, and
  • Ensure that potential benefits from the research outweigh any risks.

SC is fully committed to ensuring the responsible and ethical treatment of any human subjects involved in research, whether conducted by College students or employees directly, or in partnership with others on- or off-campus. This responsibility is shared by SC and the individual researcher(s). It is SC’s responsibility to ensure that this policy and mandated procedures are in place, fully communicated and effectively administered.

As a matter of policy, anyone proposing to conduct research of any kind involving human subjects must first obtain the approval of SC’s Institutional Review Board (IRB), initially through the IRB Chair, and if deemed necessary, through a convening of the full IRB.

Procedures for Submitting Research Approval Requests 

Please refer to the Human Participants Protection Guidebook for information regarding policies, procedures, frequently asked questions, a glossary of terms and other information. All requests must use the appropriate forms and must be submitted electronically at least 30 calendar days before the date of the intended research. For more information, visit the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.

IRB Members:

Mary Amanda Haskins, School of Health Sciences

Eric Marx, School of Health Sciences

Merrill Sapp, School of Health Sciences

Sampson Hall exterior.

School of Health Sciences

(573) 876-2370 Ext: 4370