What is Mission Promise Kept?

Mission Promise Kept is the first comprehensive college program designed to meet the full spectrum of living-and-learning needs of women veterans.

Who can participate in the Mission Promise Kept program?

Students who qualify for admission and who are enrolled in the Stephens College undergraduate women’s college

Can male veterans attending the Stephens College co-ed Conservatory for the Performing Arts or graduate school participate in the program?

No. During the pilot program, only students who qualify for admission to the Stephens College undergraduate women’s college are eligible to apply.

See More FAQs

Do I have to be honorably discharged in order to participate?

Students accepted to Mission Promise Kept will hold an honorable discharge or provide evidence that they are actively working to upgrade their status to honorable and are contesting a less-than-honorable discharge through legal or other means. MPK will provide support and advocacy through outreach to legal counsel where appropriate and possible.

How is Mission Promise Kept different from other campus housing options, at Stephens or at other colleges or universities? 

Mission Promise Kept is a unique and coordinated living-and-learning environment designed to address and remove barriers to women veterans’ college success. Its sole purpose is to empower women veterans to earn their college degrees, to launch their professional careers, and to attain financial independence.

What kinds of services will the program provide?

Mission Promise Kept provides a coordinated network of academic, medical, legal, social services and life-skills training through partnerships with campus, community, and veterans-serving programs and organizations in Columbia, Missouri. We anticipate that our MPK students may benefit from health care, counseling, legal services, tax services, transportation services, childcare services, and academic tutoring services. The individual needs of students will determine any additional support or services the program will provide.

Can I bring my children with me to live on campus?


Does the College provide daycare?

The College does not offer infant care, but it can recommend quality care in our community. The College does operate a pre-school (ages 3-5) and an elementary school (K-5) here on campus. It may also be possible to coordinate care with other Stephens students here on campus.

Where would my children go to school?

Stephens College operates its own on-campus private pre-school and elementary school (ages 3 through 5th grade). The campus is located across the street from the Locust Street elementary school, a public arts immersion elementary school ranked in the top 25 percent of all elementary schools in Missouri. Jefferson Middle School is located .8 of a mile from campus, and Rock Bridge High School is 4.5 miles from campus. Columbia Public Schools provides safe and reliable transportation to all students in the district.

Can I bring my dog(s) to campus?

Yes. Stephens College is the pet-friendliest campus in the country. About 35 percent of our students have their best furry friends – cats, dogs, rabbits and hedgehogs, among others – as roommates.

Will I be living in a traditional residence hall/dorm room?

Mission Promise Kept is located on the third floor of Columbia Hall, a beautifully historic and renovated residence hall that offers two-bedroom and four-bedroom apartments.

Are the apartments furnished?

Yes. The College has just refreshed the apartments, including new furniture and appliances.

Can I bring my own furniture and other belongings?

Students are free to decorate their living spaces, but the apartments are furnished with attractive, durable and new furnishings throughout.

Can I choose to have an apartment mate?

Yes, but all residents of college housing must be enrolled undergraduate students or the dependents of enrolled students.

Does Stephens College currently enroll veterans?

Yes, but it does not offer wrap-around support services to our veteran students at this time. Mission Promise Kept is a new investment and commitment that will serve as a model for how all colleges and universities might better serve women veterans.

What if I don’t have a car? Is there public transportation available?

Yes. Stephens College is located in downtown Columbia, Missouri, where public transportation is available, as is Lyft and Uber. Some transportation services will also be available through the program.

How will I access those services?

Staffing for Mission Promise Kept includes advocates, one who who will live in the residence hall and be available to serve as the point person for coordinating and helping students access services. 

Will Stephens College provide those services directly?

Some services, including counseling, tutoring, career services and (limited) healthcare services will be provided by the College. Other services will be provided through a network of partnerships the College has established with service providers and veterans organizations, including the Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital, the Veterans Clinic at the University of Missouri Law School, and Burrell Behavioral Health, among others.

Will Stephens College provide those services to my children?

No, but the MPK advocates will provide information about community resources through local nonprofits as well as the Columbia Public Schools.

What does Mission Promise Kept cost?

Students in the Mission Promise Kept program will pay the College’s standard tuition, room and board costs, offset by their GI benefits and any scholarships or other financial aid they may receive. There are no additional charges for participation in Mission Promise Kept. While there may be some costs for various services provided through the College’s network, the Mission Promise Kept advocates will work with students to ensure access and affordability.

Will the program accept transfer students?


Will the program accept and help students receive credits for military experience?

Yes. The College will work with students upon admission to evaluate their prior learning experience and assign college credits where possible.

Can I participate in the program if I live off campus?

The College provides mental health counseling, some medical care, tutoring and other support services to all students. More extensive wrap-around support and outreach services will be available only to those living in the MPK residence hall.

Can I work on campus?

Stephens College employs many students on campus, through federal workstudy and regular employment. Students in the Mission Promise Kept program will also be eligible to apply for campus employment.

Student on a couch in the library.

Mission Promise Kept

573.876.7178| Ext. 4168
