Art History

At Stephens, we appreciate history.
An art history minor is valuable for students pursuing degrees in Fashion Design & Product Development, Fashion Communication, Communication Design, Filmmaking, Content Creation and for anyone preparing for an art-related career.
A minor in art history requires completion of at least 15 semester hours in the ARH (Art History) or DSN (Design) prefixes, including at least 6 hours at the 300 level. All courses require a C-or better to become part of an art minor.
Facilities & Resources
Louise Dudley Hall contains classrooms with audiovisual equipment for courses in English, art history, social studies, business, psychology, and computer technology. Special facilities in Louise Dudley Hall include a large art history collection of 35,000 slides, records, CDs, and videos. This specialized library is used as a teaching aid in design and art history classes.
David Salle, American painter
For me, art history is like a feather bed – you fall into it and it catches you.

Contact Us
School of Integrative Studies
Jennifer Blair, Administrative Assistant
(573)-876-2312 ext. 4312