Design Arts

Undergraduate Minor
School of Integrative Studies
Design Arts

Design is an art.

The design arts minor is particularly useful for students majoring in Fashion Design & Product Development, or Communication Design. The minor may also be used as part of a self-initiated major or the Apparel Studies degree.

Minor Requirements

A minor in design arts requires completion of at least 15 semester hours, including at least 6 hours at the 300-level. All courses require a C- or better to become part of a design arts minor.

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Workshops & Capstone


The design arts minor involves exploring both the theory and practice of design with an emphasis on the design process. Students gain exposure to design while coursework promotes creative self-expression.

Workshops will be offered by faculty in the fashion and design programs and will be taught on or off campus. These artisanal classes will vary by topics and skills taught. Courses will be taught at the 200-400 levels.

Capstone Course

Self-initiated majors complete a capstone course comprising a written statement and a senior project usually culminating in a public exhibition/show.

Note: December graduates must have completed DSN 494: Senior Project during the previous spring semester.

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School of Integrative Studies

(573)-876-2312 ext. 4312

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