Staff Advisory Council

Staff Advisory Council

For more than 20 years, the Staff Advisory Council (SAC) has been working on behalf of Stephens College staff to promote professional and personal growth while enhancing the goals of the College.

What We Do

The Staff Advisory Council is dedicated to serving all staff members of the Stephens College community and serves as a liaison between the staff and administration.

SAC’s goals are to support the mission of Stephens College; promote positive and fair solutions; ensure the quality of the work atmosphere; distribute information and enhance opportunities available to the Stephens College community.

Ultimately, the SAC endeavors to support each staff member of the Stephens College community by promoting their experience with personal and professional growth while enhancing the goals of Stephens College as one body.

SAC Meetings are open to all staff members! Emails are sent to all staff about SAC meetings and activities.


You are welcome to nominate yourself or a staff member who you would like to represent you as a Staff Advisory Council representative.

Current Members

The SAC consists of voting members, a Senior Staff representative and the Director of Human Resources. Every staff member is encouraged to help us make a difference by attending meetings or by serving as a Council representative.

The voting member terms are three years and start in June unless a term is vacated early in which case nominations will be accepted to fill the open position. Nominations are voted on by the council so that as many different departments as possible are represented and any nominees that are not selected are kept on file.

2024-2025 Staff Advisory Council

  • Mackenzie Allen
  • Jenita Baker
  • Alex Bryan (Secretary)
  • Will DelGrosso
  • Keri Gilbert (Treasurer)
  • Pamela Middleton
  • Taylor Midgley
  • Kristy Simpson (Chair)
  • Carrie Smith
  • Heather Williams

Non-voting members:

  • Shannon Walls | Liaison to Senior Staff
  • Tina Fisher | HR Representative
  • Anne Cox | Faculty Liaison 

Call for Comments

SAC welcomes feedback from our Stephens community. We seek your input on what is important to you as a Stephens employee and what we can do to serve you. 

We are open to all suggestions, and at very least can forward your questions or concerns on to the appropriate person. You may submit your comments anonymously if you wish.

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Staff Advisory Council