PA Program Technical Standards
In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Stephens College seeks to ensure that qualified persons with disabilities are not subject to discrimination in admissions.
To practice as a PA, the following technical abilities are considered essential and are required for entrance into the Stephens PA program:
Sufficient sensory abilities to accurately observe a patient and gather necessary data including physical attributes and nonverbal communication.
Ability to communicate effectively with patients of various social and cultural backgrounds and interact professionally with other health care providers. Communication includes speech, reading, writing, and nonverbal communication.
Sufficient motor control, stamina, and hand-eye coordination to effectively use standard medical or surgical instruments and respond quickly to needs of the clinical environment; and physical and sensory abilities to effectively examine patients, including procedures such as palpation, auscultation, and percussion.
Cognitive ability to learn and assimilate large volumes of complex information, integrate information from various domains and disciplines, perform tests and interpret results, analyze clinical scenarios and make appropriate decisions, and formulate diagnoses and treatment plans.