Family Association

The Family Association at CSSC is a group of parents, caregivers, and family members. They come together to share ideas, explore volunteer opportunities, and coordinate school events.

Past Family Association activities include:

  • Trivia Night
  • Funding major playground purchases
  • Providing elementary students with updated reading group books
  • Purchasing furniture and decor for classrooms
  • Hosting parties and activities for CSSC students

Currently, the Family Association is working on fundraising opportunities and organizing a CSSC community picnic. The Association is also preparing for the second annual trivia night!

Want to get involved? Email and look out for meeting times in CSSC schoolwide emails.

Child paints with watercolors at the Children's School at Stephens College.

The Children’s SChool

(573) 876-7260

1200 E. Broadway, Columbia, MO 65215

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