Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a morning program? An afterschool program?

Yes, we have both! Children may be dropped off as early as 7:30 am and picked up as late as 5:30 pm. See our page “Before and After School” for specifics.

Is there a test to be admitted to the Children’s School?

There are no set academic admissions requirements for the Children’s School. We believe in helping families determine if CSSC is the best fit for their child, and encourage all families to schedule a tour and trial day as soon as they are interested.

What is a lab school?

In short, a lab school is a training site for new teachers and a proving ground for innovative ideas in education. Lab schools do not need to adhere to the same restrictions as traditional schools and prioritize critical thinking, self-directed learning, and multi-age groupings. See our page “The Lab School at a Glance”  for more information

Is the Children’s School a private school?

The Children’s School is a tuition supported, accredited independent school. We are a part of Stephens College and work to keep tuition as low as possible while supporting a low student-teacher ratio. Visit our “Admissions Process” and “Tuition Support” pages for more information. 

How do you measure learning?

As an independent school, CSSC is not required to participate in mass standardized testing such as the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP). Still, we believe in high-quality, regular assessment, including nationally normed and highly reliable interactive standardized tests such as the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) and the KeyMath-3 Assessment. We use a mix of standardized, teacher created, and narrative assessments to determine next learning steps for students. And, we prioritize children’s self-assessment of their own learning and progress!

What about family/teacher conferences?

Conferences occur in October and March of each year, and families receive one progress report each semester. Have a specific concern? Teachers can meet families by appointment.

Are you accredited?

Yes, we are accredited by Missouri Accreditation of Progress for Children and Youth. Our program has been reviewed and meets the Missouri Accreditation standards of excellence for the following groups: Early Childhood and School-Age. Missouri Accreditation is committed to the recognition of programs that provide the highest quality programs for children from infancy through secondary school. 

Does my child have to be toilet trained?

Yes, all children must be toilet trained. 

Are there age cutoffs for preschool and kindergarten?

Children must be three to enroll in preschool and may begin at any time in the year. Children must be five before August 1st to enroll in the elementary program, though we have a pre-kindergarten program for four- and five-year-olds who are ready for a little more.

Do you use a set curriculum?

We believe in a responsive and inventive curriculum, and believe that co-constructing curriculum is a responsibility of all members of a classroom, students and teachers alike. Even though we do not use a set curriculum, we draw from student-centered and project-based curricula such as HighScope in pre-school and the Investigations 3 math curriculum in elementary.

How are kids grouped if CSSC is multi-age?

Students are frequently assessed and grouped based on age, ability, or interest, depending on the activity. We have the flexibility at CSSC to prioritize self-directed learning over rigid groupings.

Child paints with watercolors at the Children's School at Stephens College.

The Children’s SChool

(573) 876-7260

1200 E. Broadway, Columbia, MO 65215

Learn More About CSSC