The Lab School at a Glance

A lab school is a bridge between innovative academic research and practical teaching and serves as a training site for the next generation of teachers.

Much like a teaching hospital, practitioners, researchers, professors work together to provide a unique learning environment where theories and methods are tested and refined. Lab schools are experiential and student centered, rooted in a holistic philosophy of teaching and learning. 

What does this mean for children? At a lab school, critical thinking is prioritized over one-size-fits-all learning, questions are launching points for curriculum, and subjects are integrated across the school day. Low student-teacher ratios provide children with support for self-directed learning and hands-on, small group experiences. Students benefit from both the experience of master teachers and the vibrancy of younger student teachers. The direct support of the Stephens College Education Department allows for innovative approaches to teaching that apply current research findings.  

The Children’s School invites students into campus life, allowing them to learn basketball from college athletes, experience top-tier theater on campus, explore equine science at Stephens Stables, craft still lifes with visiting artists, and dance in the historic Senior Hall studio with Conservatory trainees.

Child paints with watercolors at the Children's School at Stephens College.

The Children’s SChool

(573) 876-7260

1200 E. Broadway, Columbia, MO 65215

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