Academic Services & Support

Academic Services & Support

You are at the center of everything we do.

Stephens offers academic and professional services and other resources to ensure every student strives for and achieves her dreams.

If you have questions or can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs at (573) 876-7213, Ext. 4213 or

Student Success Center

The Margaret Campbell Student Success Center provides free academic support to full-time students. SSC tutors may see students individually or work with them in small groups.

ADA/504 Accessibility Services

Stephens College supports the standards set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act. The Margaret Campbell Student Success Center is committed to offering reasonable ADA/Section 504 accommodations for individuals with accessibility needs and removing barriers to access through modifications to classroom and campus environments. SCC staff look forward to serving individuals who wish to register for these services.

Counseling Services

The Stephens College Counseling Center offers free, confidential counseling sessions to undergraduate students.

Academic Advising

In your first year at Stephens, you’ll take five general education courses designed specifically for first-year students in the following areas:

  • Art
  • Women’s studies
  • Intercultural studies
  • Writing
  • Science

These courses are your introduction to the college experience and are steeped in the Stephens culture and tradition of hands-on, project-based learning. The first-year experience is designed to give you a taste of the wide variety of studies available at Stephens.

  • Taking only five gen ed courses in your first year means you’ll be engaged with major classes from day one, and will work with a faculty adviser in your major from the start.
  • Interested in more than one major? In consultation with your adviser, we invite you to design a self-initiated major that’s perfect for you.

Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) is here to help you with any issues you may have with wireless connectivity, campus computer labs, printing on campus, or logging in to your Stephens accounts, including email, Canvas, the Gateway, and more.

IT also maintains a collection of devices such as cameras and lighting kits for check-out to students enrolled in specific classes.

IT is available 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday to answer any concerns or address student needs.

Library Services

A welcoming place for individual and group study at the heart of campus, Hugh Stephens Library offers access to an extensive list of traditional print, e-books and other educational resources and is a member of the MOBIUS Consortium. Library staff are always available to assist with research questions.

Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for the maintenance and preservation of all academic records. The office maintains confidentiality and credibility of all official academic documents.

The Registrar also maintains the following:

  • Academic Calendars
  • Exam and Course Schedules
  • Curriculum Catalogs
  • Official Transcripts

For access to these resources and many more, visit the Office of the Registrar.

Stephens Scholars Honors Program

Stephens Scholars is the honors program that will help get you where you want to go. Founded in 1960, it’s a pioneer among the nation’s honors programs that continues to be selective, innovative and community-focused.

Study Abroad & CROSS CULTURAL Experiences

The Student Experience Office assists you with finding, planning and funding study, volunteer, and internship abroad opportunities.

Stephens Student Gateway

Current students should access the Student Gateway for additional information.

Azalea bush in front of academic building

Office of Academic Affairs

(573) 876-7213, Ext. 4213

Lela Raney Wood Hall 357